When you use software technology to manage various business functions, certain special innovations and technological processes can help you. One such dedicated model is the applicant tracking system (ATS) in hiring & recruitment operations.

This post serves as a detailed description to guide you through the concept of applicant tracking systems in companies. It gives you information regarding various use cases, benefits, and selection criteria of ATS solutions. The focus is on learning about the impact of ATS in streamlining your HR hiring requirements.

Hop in to discover the techniques adopted by a company to leverage the role of ATS in boosting recruitment.

What is An Applicant Tracking System?

What is ATS in HR recruitment? An applicant tracking system simply represents a software technology or tool that aids in your hiring processes. It helps you build an authentic HR recruitment model with minimal errors and maximum efficiency. Usually denoted as ATS, applicant tracking software systems are relevant for improving the performance of your hiring workflow.

The basic function is to track potential candidates in a specific hiring flow. It helps employers, trainers, recruiters, and HR professionals to stay on top of their jobs. Employees undergoing ATS workflow possess certain unique and exclusive advantages. It is a boon to the overall recruitment process of your business.

The functions of ATS tracking extend from a simple model to a high-end operations structure. You can manage all types of ATS processing in an HR model in a firm. The basic structure involves capabilities in simple database management of your hiring process. In a complex model, you can manage a full suite that covers all employee types in an HR process.

Use Cases of Applicant Tracking System

Before learning the benefits of an applicant tracking system in hiring, let’s take a look at the use cases. A thorough understanding of these use cases helps you learn about the top-notch functions in your HR operations.

Here are some of the proven use cases of the best applicant tracking systems for your recruitment model.

Also Read: 10 Key Benefits of HRMS Software for Your Business

Attracting the bigger talent pool

You can attract a broader talent pool in any company profile by showcasing online ATS features in your firm. Your hiring model should be a testimony of your market branding and positioning.

Sourcing of candidates

The sourcing and filtering of qualified candidates can be feasibly managed with the help of ATS in hiring platforms. It supports you to manage the whole HR operations flow.

Better hiring practices

HR personnel aiming for a better hiring workflow can use the services of ATS integrations in the operations model. Hiring is probably easier if you have standard and best HR practices in place.

Employee engagement programs

ATS recruitment can directly lead you to cover employee engagement in your company. You may use tactical resource management techniques to discover the best programs for you.

Competitive market space

Your existing marketplace and business conditions are competitive and full of challenges. ATS application can help you create, convert, and manage opportunities in the hiring model.

Onboarding optimization

The hiring and recruitment process is directly connected to the employee onboarding phase of companies. You can optimize the HR hiring process with seamless integration of the onboarding model using an ATS service solution.

Benefits of Applicant Tracking System

If you have an applicant tracking system in your HR segment, it helps you undergo a seamless hiring process. It assists you pivot to a better-looking and functioning recruitment model. The main benefits of covering application tracking system in HR for your organization’s operations are as follows:

Enhanced hiring process

You can improve the experience of your company’s hiring process with an empowering ATS solution. More than 75% of recruiters testified to the fact that hiring quality gets better with ATS applications.

Better candidate experience

With ATS, you can provide an enriching experience for all candidates becoming part of your hiring process. It applies to candidate management systems for potential employees and the larger resource pool.

Improved efficiency

An improvement in HR hiring denotes better efficiency for your operations management and workflow. ATS can promote this merit by adequate inflow of business productivity techniques.

Direct impact on HR recruitment

Proper and effective utilization of ATS technology offers a direct relationship with recruitment boost. The impact of streamlined hiring using ATS is visible on company networks and channels.

Stronger professional profiles

Professionalism in HR operations related to the hiring process can help you progress a long way. ATS strengthens your overall operations management model and HR processes.

Extended candidate search

You can extend the scope of the search for potential resources with the help of ATS implementation in companies. An extended search warrants you a better position in the job market from a candidate’s viewpoint.

Automated hiring and recruitment

Your hiring and recruitment process becomes easier to manage by employing ATS automation techniques. The system works like a well-oiled machine that can collaborate with other arms of the company.

Rise in HR collaboration

You may use your ATS devices and functions to integrate well with all HR tasks of the firm. It provides you with groundbreaking innovation to offer well-versed hiring patterns for your target market.

Increased visibility of resources

With ATS, the digital transformation in companies become better. It supports you in activating an essential hiring model where the subject resources fare better in terms of visibility.

Smoother candidate to employee transformation

In the case of successful hiring, convert your candidates to employees with a hassle-free process. ATS promotion in hiring can help you with this practical step.

How to Streamline Your Hiring with ATS?

The biggest challenge in a hiring process is the constant repetition of HR tasks. These activities can prove to be time-consuming from your business perspective. It also results in more cost factors for running your recruitment operations.

When the recruiting process needs simple steps, the optimum choice is automation and streamlining. It helps you progress in the hiring domain with all tasks running simultaneously.

A few pointers for your consideration regarding the ATS implementation for streamlined hiring are given in this section:

Centralized workflow

Ensure that you can include a centralized workflow in your ATS implementation. Though decentralization means more transparency, HR professionals need a central data management system feature to optimize their hiring process.

Effective integrations

HR integrations are part of a running operations model. You should integrate the hiring process with the maximum permissible HR modules. This integration of business processes helps you adapt well to the needs of the ATS execution.

Reporting and analytics

The domain activity of reporting and analytics is helpful for companies planning to include ATS in their hiring process. All you have to do is define a well-crafted connection between the hiring process and the ATS specifications.

Also Read: HRMS Analytics & Reporting: Unlocking the Power of Data-driven Decision-making

Smarter technology

If you can include smart and intelligent tools in your hiring process, it will help you achieve success in optimizing your ATS. ATS-specific HR platforms and techniques are available. You can cover them as part of the bigger recruitment support picture.

Mobile Optimization

Your hiring model should be accessible to potential candidates on all platforms. ATS implementation can drive the idea of covering the entire hiring process on a mobile platform or device.

Process standardization

Once you get into the flow of operations, create a standardized HR hiring model. A standard process will have more use for ATS applications and vice-versa. It also helps you compartmentalize the entire recruitment process into defined segments.

Room for improvement

The final step is to develop a hiring model where there is always scope for improvement. Involve ATS techniques in a way that promotes the idea of employee self-service portals. You should also give relevance to future industry or market upgrades in hiring. The future of ATS looks brighter, with a prediction of 6.47% CAGR with a focus on the Asia-Pacific market.

Selection Criteria for Applicant Tracking Systems

When you pick an applicant tracking system to boost your hiring functions and features, the results are a guarantee. However, you should follow certain selection hurdles and defined criteria to improve your overall hiring process.

What is the selection parameter for the applicant tracking system for a small business or a large-scale enterprise? The selection criteria to consider for allowing applicant tracking system software in business models are below.

Also Read: HR Software for Small Businesses: How to Choose the Right One

Diagnosing the core hiring problem

You should explore and understand your main issues in the hiring process. The diagnosis of these problems can lead you to create an integrated ATS model.

Investing in the organization’s capacity

Consider the recruitment and hiring capabilities of the organization. It helps you develop an engaging ATS operations flow in alignment with your business goals.

Recognizing your infrastructure

HR infrastructure plays a role in executing ATS functions in your hiring process. Remember to develop the effective infrastructure initially before progressing to the ATS implementation and impact.

Analyzing future adaptability

Future-proof organizations can gain more value by promoting an active ATS management portal. Check the adaptability first to receive the best benefits of ATS features.

Enriching the hiring experience

If you are going to employ ATS functions, ensure that your company’s hiring offers an enhanced experience. It should be a continuous process with optimum updates.

Introducing smart and intelligent tools

The introduction of smart, intelligent solutions will empower the ATS and hiring execution of your HR model. Ensure that your system can accommodate newer technologies and strategies.

Integrating the cloud-based features

You should be able to utilize the services of cloud-based HR management for your hiring process. Cloud integrations with ATS technology can help your cause.

Also Read: How Cloud HR Software Can Improve Employee Engagement

Ability to leverage the talent pool

A wider pool of resources is available for your company’s potential growth. The ATS solution in question should strive towards leveraging this existing talent as part of your hiring process.

How Can Artify 360 HR Software Satisfy Your ATS Needs for the Organization?

If you can include an HR software tool or portal to take advantage of your streamlined hiring process, it works. Complete automation in the recruitment model is possible with the help of an active HR payroll software system. You may use an integrated HR management system to ensure the delivery of an optimum hiring model.

When you use a cloud HR software process, the inclusion of an applicant tracking system is feasible. For maximum efficiency related to your ATS goals, a suggested solution is the introduction of Artify 360 HR Software.

Artify can help you streamline your entire hiring and recruitment process. The HR software system assists you in promoting an ATS model that works in sync with your operations management.

For more information on how to streamline your hiring process and what is ATS software, reach out to us. You can contact our experienced team for a free trial or demo of Artify’s hiring model.