The successful running of a business operation depends heavily on techniques that impart productivity and efficiency. Digital transformation is key to implementing such a system in organizations. Of the various proven digitized strategies to boost productivity, HR software technology is at the forefront.

A dedicated Human Resource Management Software (HRMS) is useful for improving the HR efficiency, performance, operational approach, and overall business productivity in your company. This article delivers insights into the concept of Human Resource Management Software and its effective application in an organization.

You can also learn about the top-notch modules in the HR system tailored to meet your business expectations. Hop in to discover the role of HRMS solutions in transitioning your organization for the best in operations.

What is Human Resource Management Software?

Human Resource Management Software, abbreviated as HRMS, generally refers to the digital HR system in an organization. It takes care of all your HR processes and activities under the operations automation technique.

HRMS software includes decisive steps to manage performance management, operational efficiency, and employee engagement in your company. Nearly 50% of HR leaders give prior importance to the employee experience in their companies. If you have a core operations model with effective HR software technology, it can guide you in all the related steps.

Human resource management is an exclusive domain that covers a lot of HR functions in a feasible model. You can integrate these functions for mutual benefits in the domain. Category-based HR modules will help you identify and explore the potential of each operations management system.

Often interchanged with terms like HCM and HRIS, HRMS is a unique value-added service that offers you the best in operations management models. The beauty of HRMS lies in the fact that you can manage all operations management functions, from hiring and recruitment of employees to the final offboarding phase. You can follow a trusted and reliable model for this end-to-end solutions model.

HRMS & Department Functions – An Analysis

The HR department covers a whole range of functions that matter in the business operations management of a company. The below is not an exhaustive list but involves most of the incredible HR management functions of a company’s dedicated operations department.

Hiring and Recruitment It refers to the initial hiring of employees from a wider talent pool. The sourcing, screening, and interview process of employees is actively available with this portal.

Onboarding – Once you hire an employee, the next step is to onboard them to the company functions and its unique business model. Onboarding helps the employee to sync well with the new company culture.

Training and Development – Internal training of employees in your organization helps them adapt well to the new job role. You can create terrific learning resources for your employees with this feature.

Attendance and Leave – Your employees need an idea of attendance and leave management in real time. Self-service portals are the most preferred in this format. It helps your employees to cultivate a responsible work culture for themselves.

General HR Functions – It covers all the HR management functions in your organization. These include peer review models and HR-related functions.

Core HR Features – The functions of core HR mostly cover techniques in staff transfers, business management, promotions, rewards, recognition, warnings, terminations, etc. It works exclusively with an engaging HR operations system.

Calendar Management – Mostly connected to the scheduling solutions, you need an active calendar management system for your HR operations to thrive. It can help you develop a long-term HR model.

Reporting Model – Accurate reports and precise dashboards are necessary for improving the HR performance of your firm. It helps you deliver the best reports matching your organization’s specific operational approach.

Air Ticket Model – Business travel is top-notch for your employees when considering air ticket management. It helps you deliver a corporate feel to your business model with maximum efficiency in employee satisfaction.

Payroll Portal – The idea of payroll processing and management is necessary for companies to develop an engaging HR payroll system for their employees. It covers everything related to payroll management for your staff members.

Appraisal Process – You have to carry out employee review and appraisal at regular intervals. It is also necessary for you to create an encouraging performance appraisal that suits your staff resources.

Asset Management – Providing assets to your employees is an important task. A core documentation process with efficient database management is necessary to improve this format.

File Management – Another important task for dealing with HR tasks is an authentic file management portal. It creates a positive system solution model for empowering your file records and analysis.

Offboarding – From an employee perspective, the overall HR management is complete with the provision of offboarding solutions. It helps you manage a feasible exit for your human capital resources.

Human Resource Management Software – Exclusive Modules in the System

The main portion of our article refers to the inclusion of various HR modules that play a broader role in the development of your organization. Human resource management software is capable of delivering exclusive HR modules that belong to and help you progress in every process.

Here is the list of the top HR modules that are available as part of the best human resource management system software.

Hiring Module

It works according to the hiring and recruitment management functions of your organization. An active part of employee engagement solutions, it can deal with your core hiring needs. The module is tailored to meet the strict requirements of any business model. You can streamline the entire set of hiring processes and operations.

Onboarding Module

This module helps you get a clear idea of employee onboarding in companies. Integrating new and exclusive workflows into the employee profiles is a part of this particular module. You can view the employee as part of a bigger picture, and HR onboarding is an interesting premise for the systematic growth and development of your firm.

Training Module

The module that helps you to train and track the progress of your employee development is the training module in HR systems. You can build your workforce management techniques and strategies. Team output is also a part of this module, where special training apart from individual programs is available.

HR Module

If you want to take care of all your day-to-day HR needs in an operations management model, the optimum solution is the integration platform. This module helps you to create the best strategic HR integrations in an operations system. You can organize all your HR functions by deploying this module.

Core HR Module

When you want a dedicated module to fulfill the core HR tasks of an organization, the ideal solution is the adoption of a one-stop solution. The core HR module helps you with all the miscellaneous HR tasks apart from the defined operations management activities of a company or business model.

Asset Module

When you have certain assets to manage in an HR operations model, the optimum solution is to implement an asset module. It helps you assign organizational assets to individual employees and teams. You can track and analyze the usage of assets as well using this end-to-end solution.

Attendance Module

The presence of a streamlined attendance module is sufficient to manage all the attendance management functions in an organization’s HR workflow. It helps you track all the attendance-related activities of an employee effortlessly. The module specifically attracts value to the handling of employee attendance projects.

Leave Module

Similar to employee attendance solutions, the management of the leave module is also necessary for employee engagement. It helps you promote a top-notch leave management system with active support offered to the employee activities of a firm. The leave module also helps you manage absences and employee leaves with proper documentation.

Payroll Module

If you can name one single HR operations solution with a crucial impact, it is the payroll processing module in your organization. It covers everything from the payroll management of employees to the maintenance of compliance norms corresponding to the system. You can get a systematic idea regarding business payroll solutions with this module.

Appraisal Module

The module that is most importantly connected to the performance review and feedback process is the appraisal system in your organization. It helps you review your employees at regular intervals and promote a promising performance appraisal system. You can even improve the employee output with this dynamic module’s impact.

Calendar Module

Though the primary function of a calendar module or app is to set up meetings and organizational activities, you can observe other functions as well. A calendar management system provides the value of an appropriate scheduling program that works well with the execution of time management.

File Management Module

Another important module for developing HR operations in an optimized format is the file management module. It helps you keep track of all the different files and their functions systematically. Record maintenance is helpful for future references and business improvement suggestions in your organization.

Report Module

Report generation is an important aspect of deploying any progressive HR management solution in a firm. The report module aids you in creating, reporting, recording, tracking, analyzing, and observing reports for all the HR management applications in an organization’s operations system. Stability and reliability are vital factors for a reports management system.

Air Ticket Module

If you are seeking options to manage and offer business travel for your employees, choosing an air ticket module is an essential prospect. It helps you stay on all employee travel-related purposes in the company. All aspects of travel management are effectively managed with the support of this module.

Offboarding Module

The final word in the HR segment regarding an employee’s journey in the company is offboarding. This module helps you promote and support a hassle-free employee offboarding process. In an offboarding process, you have to facilitate the feasibility of options, starting from employee retention to full and final settlement.

How to Transform Your HR Operations with Digital Software Technology?

The application of digital software technology will transform your entire organization’s business innovations. For covering the best HR operations practices, implementing and deriving impact from the digital transformation processes is a must. Another favorable idea is the positive of promoting digitized HR processes.

When you utilize digital software to build an engaging HR operations pattern, the best possibility is to create an exclusive system with all the benefits. A few points to help you identify the HR operations management using a digital transformation software technology are as follows:

  • It improves the overall efficiency of your HR department. This step is seen as a feel-good factor for improving the overall business performance and productivity in your organization.
  • Digitization is about providing a holistic HR management profile. It helps you boost the business branding and organizational standing in the competing marketplace.
  • Streamlining HR processes is a beneficial advantage that can improve your domain functions. It refers to all the HR processes and the various integrations in seamless functioning mode.
  • Data management and analysis are made more efficient with the support of an empowering digital management system. It helps you follow a proper documentation process.
  • Critical thinking and effective communication are possible with the aid of a prolific HR management system. It connects you well with the decision-making process in companies.
  • You can promote an HR process with optimum clarity to meet your core goals in the operations domain. It is important for feasibly carrying out day-to-day HR activities.
  • Software technology and innovation offer an ideal mix of HR management with the inclusion of sufficient resources in a firm. It can take your HR strategy to the next level.

Artify 360 & Its Role in Managing the Human Resource Management Software Functions

When you are crafting an engaging human resource management software platform, it is empowering to build a creative HR process. Cloud HR software is the optimum option to build such an intriguing system. A cloud solution can boost operations productivity by 40% and save expenses by 35%.

Here, we are going to present to you Artify 360 HR Software. Artify’s objectives in HRMS practices are to deliver the best quality HR software system solutions and services. You can get an excellent platform model with coverage of all the essential aspects of an HRMS system.

A unique point about Artify is that it helps you manage the HR operations in a dedicated, one-stop solution with options for customization. These are industry-specific and niche-related personalization solutions within the HR model.

If you want a demo of this exclusive HR payroll software solution for your Bahrain-based business, feel free to reach out. You can also contact us to learn more about the different modules in Artify.