A new-age, innovative HR software is abundant in serving multiple functions of an organization, especially the ones related to human resources and operations. These functions may vary in type, but their common collective goal is organizational welfare. An innovative system can also drive value to the internal mobility feature.
Internal mobility in the HR domain is the topic of this article. It focuses on sharing the advantages, trends, possibilities, challenges, and types of internal mobility for your organization.
What is Internal Mobility in HR?
The concept of internal mobility refers to the inside motion of resources in an organization. Any employee can be part of an internal mobility transfer within the firm. It could be connected to categories like upskilling, work satisfaction, HR operations, etc.
Companies are aware of the role and importance of internal mobility for their organizational operations. However, they are unsure about the optimum method of proceeding in this format. Research reports convey that only 6% of employees think about shifting and mobilizing the roles of employees.
When dealing with internal mobility features for a business, it is important to focus on core HR activities like talent acquisition, recruitment and hiring, onboarding, and training/development. To better understand the idea of internal mobility, see the below examples.
- A new employee joined your organization based on their performance in a specific skill set. If there is another employee with the same skills, you can transfer that person to a new role.
- You can also change the profile of the new resource after approval from the personnel.
- Another possibility is the transfer of existing employees within teams, departments, divisions, or branches.
- You can also satisfy inter-transfers apart from the intra-transfer tasks after consultation with the employees.
Apart from the above examples, you can add customized internal mobility solutions to your workforce depending on the organizational principles.
Is Digital Technology Effective in Boosting Internal Mobility?
Do you think why internal mobility is important for your firm? Are you claiming that it can be significantly utilized with the support of HR tools? The answer is yes.
Implementing an HR function is widely needed to boost a firm’s internal mobility plans. Automated solutions possess an innate ability to transform the existing employee transfer solutions. Plus, a digitized system will have fewer errors only, and that too with advanced robust features.
With the execution of HR software, you can encourage employees to consider a switch as part of their career development. The right mobility transfer can improve the progress probability of your resources. Furthermore, employees will have a wider pool to track, analyze, and decide based on actionable insights in the system.
The different types of mobility that you can exercise with the support of HR programs are general transfers, project-based switches (based on client or company accounts), lateral or parallel mobility, and vertical mobility (big difference in skills, payscale, responsibilities, etc. You can either add internal mobility as an independent program or consider it as a package deal with other HR tasks. Either way, it comes under the rewards and recognition schemes for employee resources.
Advantages of HRMS for Internal Mobility
The primary advantages of employing an HR system to develop your internal mobility objectives are as follows:
Upskilling Feature
One peak merit of the HR mobility feature is the upskilling of your employees. The concept of upskilling doesn’t just refer to the upgrades in an employee’s talent set or their profile portfolios. The employees need to be highlighted in the organization at the best possible levels. HR internal mobility can ensure this feature for organizations.
Scope for Retention
If internal mobility is highlighted in a focused manner, then you can share the value of employee retention. Retention is vital for companies from a professional and branding standpoint. The retention rates can be successfully raised with the support of a mobility system that determines the best-fit scenarios for employees.
Employee Satisfaction
It is important to satisfy your human capital resources. But you cannot just do it based on fulfilling their every wish without professional regard. It is where the HR platform’s application on internal mobility becomes effective. If employees get a chance to work on profiles matching their skills and passions, it will open up their potential to perform.
Positive Work Culture
Work culture is perhaps the most relevant aspect of an organization that determines how employees feel in their professional environments. Apart from this, it will decide how businesses are represented in the marketplace. With the choices available for companies with internal mobility programs, all employees will feel valued and thereby directly contribute to the welfare. HR system for mobility makes it feasible for firms to experience a positive work culture.
Balanced Work Allocation
Allocation of resources and work in different projects should be balanced to maintain the overall workflow. If the internal mobility feature is applied to the brand with the aid of digitized HR solutions, then you can balance the employee distribution in each project. The total number of employees would be classified based on their performance levels, sync with a particular project, and ability to transform to new roles.
Intangible Benefits
You can receive benefits from an organization that is present in an intangible format. These are the ones that define and refine your career plans. Employees need to consistently be in touch with their human side to drive home the idea of intangible rewards. To promote this, multiple factors are used, the major one being internal recruitment, with the workplace itself serving as a job market.
Project Empowerment
Internal mobility using HR systems will help you develop each company project based on its strengths and possibilities. If employees are distributed to projects by calculating their potential contribution chances, it will enable the project to run at its optimum range. HR solutions are mandatory for companies to understand the resources matching a certain project.
Overall Organizational Impact
Any new technology or innovation needs a trial and error run until a core competent process is reached. But once the technology showcases this part, you have to leverage its impact to help the entire organization progress. There is no resisting factor for internal mobility functions once the whole process is laid out. It will enable you to create an organizational structure that resonates well with other internal and external features.
Consistent Internal Recruitment
When HR modules take care of your internal mobility and recruitment process, it is feasible to set up the platform on a uniform note. If you can tackle inside problems like bias, politics, etc., then the mobility process is easy to govern. Employee trust and morale will be high. It will empower the role of HR personnel in the company with definitive guidelines for their various operations.
Leadership and Succession Planning
When different employees are part of numerous job roles, the automated system can measure the performance of every resource. It will help the system create a graph representing the SWOT analysis of each employee in multi-tasking. An ideal application of this is in succession planning steps of the organization that require the filling of key roles. Leadership qualities can also be tested as part of the benefits of internal mobility.
Excellent Mentorship Support
The more your efforts, the more support you receive from mentors and peers. When digitized services engage employees with specific professional tasks, their capability to perform the same task is also being recorded. It will help identify their limitations and key areas for improvement. As a result of this, it is easier to offer appropriate mentorship and support that matches the scenario of each employee.
Time & Cost Efficiency
If two standout factors deserve the best and most affordable scope in a business, they are time and money. An organization should be constantly seeking ways to build on its time-effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Internal mobility using SaaS solutions is proven to add distinguishable value to the above factors. Another significant part of saving time and price is a show of hands from the company to engage in progressive techniques that will attract its associated partners.
Fostering Harmonious Environment
Once you employ HR support to deal with internal mobility, then you can observe a shift to a positive work culture. Constant execution of this results in promoting a harmonious work environment that your resources will love. Becoming a part of such an ambiance is great for employees to consider the mobility process for themselves. It will self-guide them to reach the best possible roles in the organization.
Employee & Employer Outlook
A creative benefit of applying digital internal HR mobility solutions in a business brand is that the overall motivation and attitude of the personnel will grow. It works for building an image of employee and employer outlook in positive notes parallelly. There will be more confidence and prestige to proceed emphatically in the organization.
Have A Go at Artify 360 to Develop Your Internal Mobility Features
If you are thinking about the need for a personalized digital system to present an internal mobility feature, then there is no need to look elsewhere. Artify 360 cloud HR software is a full-fledged automated solution that can integrate with any HR realm and create magic on the go. You can customize your Artify 360 modules in a way where all integrations can be according to the best internal mobility programs or parameters that you desire.
Artify 360 HR software system’s transparent solutions are effective in avoiding office politics or biased interests. It will help you make informed decisions about each resource ready for internal mobility. There won’t be any clashes or misunderstandings during the implementation of the mobility process. Artify 360 HR payroll software can also be used as a platform to recognize future potential employee mobility tasks.
You can try reaching out to the Artify 360 system’s internal team to learn more about integrating the HR mobility process according to your organization’s values and goals.