Craft HR Reports Using the HRMS and Reporting System
Use an HR management system and reporting tool to keep detailed records of all human resources-related operations
Do you realize the value of Artify 360 HRMS reports platform? Several departments of a company report to human resources, which acts as their headquarters and coordinates their efforts. The HR division can figure out underachieving groups and individuals using up-to-the-minute statistics.
If you find the incorrect calculations for the Indemnity, you can correct them to boost production. In addition, data analysis could assist you in seeing trends in employee turnover and acting accordingly.
Boost Your Productivity and Growth with Artify 360’s HR Reports
Having a good grip on the statistical specifics of every operation is crucial to the success of any business. Thanks to the human resources report, money handed out to workers in the form of salary, bonuses, and perks can all be accounted for in the Saudi Arabian business world.
Decisions like staff levels, pay, and other perks can positively impact the bottom line if managers have a thorough understanding of the company’s financial situation. You can quickly identify the present gaps, trends, and objectives using reports. Artify 360 can be relied upon as a HRMS and reporting system in Saudi Arabia.
Artify 360, the HRMS reports platform in Saudi Arabia, provides in-depth reporting that will point your firm in the right direction.
You’ll learn all you need to know to plan and expand your company’s reach.
Worker satisfaction rises when everyday operations and management are streamlined.
Artify 360’s HR reporting and analytics will assist you in keeping track of your business’s finances.
You can find all the data you need for future projects’ success in the reports you’ve already prepared.
Artify 360 is the most acceptable option for your company since it allows you to produce HR reports on every facet of your operation.

Artify 360’s Reporting Function Yields Fruitful Results
You could use the information to produce salary reports broken down by division and job classification. The Saudi Arabian HRMS and reporting system will also detail any salary adjustments made to employees over the last several months.
- Monthly salary setup
- Salary setup history
- Latest salary progression
- Salary progression history
- Download salary reports
Leave reports are crucial for employers to get a sense of an employee’s dedication. Regarding employee absences, Artify 360, the HRMS reports platform in Saudi Arabia provides a comprehensive reporting system that shows you which departments take the most time off and on what days.
- Leave balance
- Leave register
- Monthly leave taken
- Leave count report
- LOP information
With Artify 360 HRMS and reporting system you can compile a thorough report evaluating the employee loan or advance you make. Artify 360 can easily calculate the total owing and learn about any payments in advance.
- Advance summary report
- Pending loan reviews
- Send in the necessary information
- Loan balance information
- Advance register
Increased Workplace Productivity with Artify 360 HRMS Reports Platform
Depending on the specifics of the job, the output from any individual will fluctuate. If employee performance is being tracked manually, you may be losing out on important information. The HRMS customizable reporting platform Artify 360 in Saudi Arabia tracks employee progress on projects. It predicts how long it will take to finish assignments.
Reviewing the HR reports will give you an idea of who is ready to go and who still needs assistance. It might benefit your business enormously to help your staff strengthen their weaker skills.